
Showing posts from October, 2010


I have to add 20 more lines to avoid non responsive loading, because crawling all files in sdcard. This is one of my android app: Sniplet of source code:

Setting mms android

Cara settingnya seperti biasa, sesuaikan dengan operator yang digunakan. Tapi pada "APN type" diisi mms dan untuk APN yang lainnya diisi default. Misalnya: Tsel-internet, APN type: default Tsel-flash, APN type: default Tsel-mms, APN type: mms

wake on lan

Sometimes i need to wake up my desktop when i work from other place. To access cvs or encode some file. It is turned off automatic every 9pm. Ive setup openvpn connection to gateway. First find out your desktop hardware address: ifconfig Note eth0 broadcast address and save hardware address to a file on gateway edit rc.local or boot.local on desktop, add: ethtool -s eth0 wol g And run it from command line, then shutdown -h now On gateway type this to wake it up, takes several minutes before we can ping wakeonlan -i -f desktop -p 7 Or wakeonlan -i BROADCASTADDR HARDWAREADDR -p 7 Output: Sending magic packet to with 00:50:8D:86:XX:XX