
Showing posts from June, 2015

Atom: my new text editor

Atom version 1.0 has been released. And now atom is my new text editor :) Check it out: I'm using these atom packages for PHP development: atom-beautify need to install php-cs-fixer My fixers options: operators_spaces,-multiline_array_trailing_comma,align_equals, align_double_arrow,concat_with_spaces,single_quote,short_tag autoclose-html  (use ctrl-alt-. instead) autocomplete-php linter linter-jshint linter-php highlight-selected minimap minimap-find-and-replace minimap-highlight-selected minimap-linter symbols-tree-view use symbols-list instead unsaved-changes an-color-picker project-plus theme-switcher To get started, try this shortcut: Ctrl-R , Ctrl-T, Ctrl-Alt-. (for html)

Fix NVIDIA gnome-terminal drawing delay

$ nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=0 To make it permanent, add this to ~/.nvidia-settings-rc 0/InitialPixmapPlacement=0