
Showing posts from February, 2015

Email scripts collection (1)

Delete old postmaster email: find /home/vmail/*/postmaster@*/{new,cur} -type f -mtime +30 -delete Delete old trash: find /home/vmail/*/*/.Trash/{new,cur} -type f -mtime +30 -delete Move sent messages to zip: find /home/vmail/*/*/.Sent*/{new,cur} -type f -mtime +30 | zip -m -9 /home/vmail/ -@ Move old email to zip: find /home/vmail/ -type f -mtime +365 -print | file -F# -if- | grep -E 'rfc822|octet' | awk -F# '{print $1}' | zip -m -9 /home/vmail/ -@ Update quota2: cd /home/vmail/ du -s * | awk '{ print "insert into quota2 values (\"" $2 "\"," $1 "*1000,1000) on duplicate key update bytes=" $1 "*1000;" }' | mysql -uroot -ppaswot postfixadmin Learn spam from folder Spam: poll with proto IMAP user '' there with password 'paswot' folder INBOX.Spam options ssl sslfingerprint 'FB:9D:14:94:FD:F...