Local Installation of PEAR

Suppose you want to create local installation of PEAR, do this:

# /usr/local/php/bin/pear config-create `pwd` pearrc

# ls
CVS incubator khad pearrc Zend

# /usr/local/php/bin/pear -c pearrc install -a PEAR

# ls
CVS incubator khad pear pearrc Zend

# ./pear/pear -c pearrc install -a Net_IMAP

# ls pear
cache data docs pear peardev pecl php tests

# ls pear/php
Archive Console Net OS PEAR pearcmd.php PEAR.php peclcmd.php Structures System.php XML

# ./pear/pear -c pearrc list
Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package Version State
Archive_Tar 1.3.2 stable
Console_Getopt 1.2.2 stable
Net_IMAP 1.0.3 stable
Net_Socket 1.0.6 stable
PEAR 1.5.0 stable
Structures_Graph 1.0.2 stable
XML_RPC 1.5.1 stable

That's it

stolen from http://embartp.nadlinux.com/?p=7


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