Update iPod without iTunes

  1. Download firmware for your iPod from http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/
    for my 2nd gen Nano, I choose Nano 2G (19.x.x.x)
  2. extract downloaded file (ipsw)
    unzip iPodxxxx.ipsw
  3. Flash the extracted file (Firmware*) to empty partition in your iPod
    dd if=Firmware-x.x.x of=/dev/sda1
For more info see: http://ipodlinux.org/Restore_without_iTunes


Anonymous said…
wait, you have linuxipod on a 2nd gen nano?!?!?

plz email me and explain how this is possible, isn;t it encrypted?
Superbiji said…
this is standard firmware
you can update the firmware without using iTunes
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much! I have no OSX or Windows machines around and I replaced my broken 4th gen iPod hard drive with flash memory. I had no way of getting iTunes to run (wine and vmware failed me). This was by far the easiest solution and it works like a champ!!! Thank you!!!!

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