Lenovo E450 on Ubuntu Gnome
Some notes running Lenovo E450 on Ubuntu Gnome:
0) Install using UEFI boot
Your harddisk will use GPT partition
My setting is UEFI boot only, CSM off
1) Wi-Fi disconnect (no problem when using 15.10)
Create /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf
options rtl8723be fwlps=0 ips=0
2) Touchpad, when using two finger and moving windows, always jumping to right
Go to Settings, Mouse & Touchpad, set Pointer speed to Slow (full left)
3) Grub boot just show grey screen for a few second, then show gnome logo and boot normally
Currently no workaround, reported to ubuntu bug
4) Battery charging threshold
apt-get install acpi-call-dkms
Install tp-acpi-call from https://github.com/teleshoes/tpacpi-bat
./tp-acpi-call -s start 1 40
./tp-acpi-call -s stop 1 51
5) Turn off touchpad by shortcut
--- SCRIPT ---
zenity --question --text="Turn off touchpad?" && synclient TouchpadOff=1 || synclient TouchpadOff=0
Go to Settings , Keyboards, Shortcut, add Custom Shortcut executing the script
6) Auto choose GPU based on time: Radeon or Intel
--- SCRIPT ---
DOW=`date +%w`
HOUR=`date +%H`
if [ $DOW -eq 0 ] || [ $DOW -eq 6 ]; then
amdconfig --px-dgpu
elif [ $HOUR -gt 3 ] && [ $HOUR -lt 19 ]; then
amdconfig --px-igpu
amdconfig --px-dgpu
--- END SCRIPT ---
Execute script in rc.local
7) Font too small in desktop (Full HD)
Settings, Universal access, Large text
8) Fingerprint: working using ubuntu gnome 15.10
apt-get install libpam-fprintd
Edit user from Settings, Users, record fingerprint
Then logout and try to login
For ubuntu 15.04, install this package manually (dpkg -i):
9) Suspend
works flawlessly if using intel gpu
To prevent your laptop in bag rapidly resume & suspend when battery very low (5%) , edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf and change:
0) Install using UEFI boot
Your harddisk will use GPT partition
My setting is UEFI boot only, CSM off
1) Wi-Fi disconnect (no problem when using 15.10)
sudo apt-get install git build-essential
git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new.git
cd rtlwifi_new
sudo make install
Create /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf
options rtl8723be fwlps=0 ips=0
2) Touchpad, when using two finger and moving windows, always jumping to right
Go to Settings, Mouse & Touchpad, set Pointer speed to Slow (full left)
3) Grub boot just show grey screen for a few second, then show gnome logo and boot normally
Currently no workaround, reported to ubuntu bug
4) Battery charging threshold
apt-get install acpi-call-dkms
Install tp-acpi-call from https://github.com/teleshoes/tpacpi-bat
./tp-acpi-call -s start 1 40
./tp-acpi-call -s stop 1 51
5) Turn off touchpad by shortcut
--- SCRIPT ---
zenity --question --text="Turn off touchpad?" && synclient TouchpadOff=1 || synclient TouchpadOff=0
Go to Settings , Keyboards, Shortcut, add Custom Shortcut executing the script
6) Auto choose GPU based on time: Radeon or Intel
--- SCRIPT ---
DOW=`date +%w`
HOUR=`date +%H`
if [ $DOW -eq 0 ] || [ $DOW -eq 6 ]; then
amdconfig --px-dgpu
elif [ $HOUR -gt 3 ] && [ $HOUR -lt 19 ]; then
amdconfig --px-igpu
amdconfig --px-dgpu
--- END SCRIPT ---
Execute script in rc.local
7) Font too small in desktop (Full HD)
Settings, Universal access, Large text
8) Fingerprint: working using ubuntu gnome 15.10
apt-get install libpam-fprintd
Edit user from Settings, Users, record fingerprint
Then logout and try to login
For ubuntu 15.04, install this package manually (dpkg -i):
9) Suspend
works flawlessly if using intel gpu
To prevent your laptop in bag rapidly resume & suspend when battery very low (5%) , edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf and change: