What to do after installing Fedora 24+
UPDATED REGULARLY, COME BACK FOR UPDATES Also applies to Fedora 25, 26, 27, etc. Download update and reboot dnf update --refresh -y If migrating from other version use this to find out manually installed packages: dnf history userinstalled To set max installed kernel: vim /etc/dnf/dnf.conf installonly_limit=2 Install gnome-tweak-tool Install rpmfusion packages from http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration dnf install gstreamer{1,}-{ffmpeg,libav,plugins-{good,ugly,bad{,-free,-nonfree}}} --setopt=strict=0 I use this repo before rpmfusion ready: baseurl=http://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/fusion-24/RPMS/ Install steam from http://negativo17.org/steam/ Install gnome extensions http://goo.gl/DKZGcG Show battery percentage gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface show-battery-percentage true Add lcd filter (lcddefault or lcdlight) for better font rendering cat ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/20- custom .conf <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fo...